Automobile Insurance
Schools must always plan for unexpected weather events or road conditions, not to mention other drivers. An automobile accident can quickly turn a field trip into a course that changes your school forever.
What’s typically covered
Liability insurance coverage pays for bodily injury and property damage to another that results from covered losses you cause.
Collision coverage can help repair your bus if it’s damaged — or compensate you for its value if it’s a total loss.
Comprehensive coverage can help when your bus is damaged by something other than a collision.
Uninsured Motorist coverage covers the costs of your bodily injuries — up to your policy limit – when they are caused by an at-fault driver without any auto insurance.
Underinsured motorist coverage picks up the costs of your injuries when an at-fault driver has some insurance, but not enough to cover all of your damages.
Medical payments coverage can help with medical expenses if they’re caused by a covered accident — regardless of fault.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP), can help with medical and rehabilitation expenses, as well as lost wages.